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Oftentimes startups fail because of the wrong type of people mixed up together. Far too often startups are built out of group of friends, people who like working together, playing games together, drinking together and socialising together, not neccessarily playing well together. Far too often startups are formed these days because it’s fashionable, comfortable, and […]

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Innovating in SaaS

This year was about experimenting with stuff. We’ve launched few innovative services with couple of major e-commerce companies, some still in the making. Interestingly looking at the efforts in the most part of this year far more experimenting went into the model of software: innovations in SaaS model, the billing model, the sales process. Some […]

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What motivates software developers

What motivates great software developers? As I move from one company to another and work with more clients, looking back at 15 years of history, things become more clear than ever. There are two types of motivating factors that attract great developers. Each of the factor brings a different type of motivation into play and […]

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System of work

System of work is more than tasks or charts. System of work is the organisation workflow that spans across all activities within organisation. Why would you care about system of work in the first place? System of work should be important for all business owners and business managers. With the right system of work in […]

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How to be creative?

There’s no school, no training, no book you can read on being creative. Sure, there’s tons on sale in each category but the sad truth is that being creative is not a type of hard skill to learn. Being creative is just being creative. Once you are, you are. If you’re not, then… Actually there […]

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Working with life partners

Working with life partners or close friends never work. You either put too much pressure — your personal relationship breaks completely or not enough pressure — your professional productivity breaks completely. Getting it right is statistically very hard to achieve. Many marriages and many products broke down because people tried.

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Managerial ever hungry egos

There’s an issue with some of the ill-conceived managers. Naturally any student who wants to be a manager thinks of themselves as a person in a large team, in a big office. Oddly enough this line of thinking might be also represented by some junior managers in the making. Obviously everyone wants a big and […]

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Perception feedback

Found fantstic read on managing perceptions and the feedback process based on perceptions within the company. I wish I had found this series of articles about two years earlier as they provide very good explanation of how no to manage employee feedback and explain precisely how damaging this might be to the management Three reasons […]

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Pigs fly just fine with sufficient thrust

If one puts enough of attention and pressure on getting it done then even impossible happens

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How do you avoid having arguments?

How do you avoid having arguments at the workplace? You don’t. It all depends how you structure the relationships at your workplace and what are the subjects of controversies. Most importantly: all depends how people treat each other and how they put their arguments forward.It’s actually good to have differences in opinions, constructive criticism, even […]

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